Stripping children of the ‘priceless treasure’ of citizenship is a grave injury,
There is no legitimate legal debate on this question. But the fact that Trump is dead wrong will not prevent him from inflicting serious harm right now on American families like my own,
This is an unconstitutional attempt to redefine what it means to be an American,
Frankly I have difficulty understanding how a member of the Bar could state unequivocally that this is a constitutional order,
I’ve been on the bench for over four decades. I can’t remember another case where the question presented is as clear as this one is. This is a blatantly unconstitutional order,
They will lose eligibility for myriad federal benefits programs. They will lose their right to travel freely and re-enter the United States. They will lose their ability to obtain a Social Security number ... and work lawfully,
They will lose their right to vote, serve on juries, and run for certain offices,
There are other times in world history where we look back and people of goodwill can say where were the judges, where were the lawyers?”
President Trump and the federal government now seek to impose a modern version of Dred Scott,
Ample historical evidence shows that the children of non-resident aliens are subject to foreign powers — and, thus, are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and are not constitutionally entitled to birthright citizenship,
A third party, including a state, has no legally cognizable interest in the recognition of citizenship by the federal government of a particular individual — let alone economic benefits or burdens that are wholly collateral to citizenship status,
Absent a temporary restraining order, children born in the Plaintiff States will soon be rendered undocumented, subject to removal or detention, and many stateless,
It's ridiculous. We're the only country in the world that does this."
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
Immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy in many ways. They work at high rates and make up more than a third of the workforce in some industries."
Children born to immigrant families are upwardly mobile, promising future benefits not only to their families, but to the U.S. economy overall."
Their geographic mobility helps local economies respond to worker shortages, smoothing out bumps that could otherwise weaken the economy,
Denying citizenship to U.S.-born children is not only unconstitutional — it's also a reckless and ruthless repudiation of American values. Birthright citizenship is part of what makes the United States the strong and dynamic nation that it is. This order seeks to repeat one of the gravest errors in American history, by creating a permanent subclass of people born in the U.S. who are denied full rights as Americans."
My answer is that it is inappropriate for a sitting judge or for a nominee to a judicial position to offer opinions on constitutional questions that are percolating at that time and may well come before that judge or that nominee. It may turn out to be a very simple question,
It may turn out to be a complicated question. Without studying the question, I don't know and I wouldn't—and even if I had an initial impression, I wouldn't voice it here. I would have to go through the whole judicial decision-making process before reaching a conclusion that I would be willing to express."