If it's done correctly and done in partnership and in concert together, it can be very effective,
It sucks that there's a lot of politics involved,
It will be very interesting to know if they used these fire hydrants,
Does anyone have access to private firefighters to protect our home?"
he wrote in the now-deleted post Politicians no longer feel an obligation to the truth in a way that they did at some points, so there’s no punishment to them if they just make something up whole cloth,
Misinformation can kind of rush into that void and give people explanations for why this is happening, and typically those explanations fit into kind of their existing beliefs or narratives that they want to perpetuate,
said Lisa Fazio, a professor of psychology and human development at Vanderbilt University One of the big questions after Helene was: Is this amount of misinformation in disasters going to continue, or was that just because of the election?”
These agencies are going to have to be much, much more proactive in how they’re addressing this kind of flood of disinformation, and I have not really seen an agency that has figured out how to do that yet,
When this happens during an actual response, like when life-saving measures are still ongoing as they are in California right now, the consequences can be life and death,
Come in here, show everybody how it’s done. If the Democrats can’t do it right, you do it better,
And if the government doesn’t get its act together, it’s disastrous not only for the people impacted, it’s disastrous for the economy of this country, of this county, of this state. It’s disastrous for everybody,
I don’t think they have any credibility on any of that,
Any aid has got to insist that the science of forestry be implemented so you, the American people, you don’t have to keep bailing people out,
Hannity said Tuesday night Now, while the winds are horrific, experts insist that bad forest management can make a bad situation worse,
So why pick fights with California?”
said University of California, Berkeley political scientist Henry Brady Will American taxpayers rebuild L.A. without strings attached?”
Watters asked his audience Tuesday night There can’t be a blank check on this,
Barrasso told CBS News’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday If he doesn’t sign those papers, we won’t give him money to put out all his fires,
Punishing California is something that is, from their perspective, a positive good,
My sister hasn't had power, but for like sporadic moments, for the last nine days or eight days, whatever it's been; it seems like it's been two months,