New executive order: We are banning church,
I am not going to apologise for asking for mercy for others,
Budde said in an interview with Time magazine It was a pretty mild sermon. It certainly wasn't a fire and brimstone sermon. It was as respectful and as universal as I could with the exception of making someone who has been entrusted with such enormous influence and power to have mercy on those who are most vulnerable,
I hope that a message calling for dignity, respecting dignity, honesty, humility and kindness is resonating with people. I'm grateful for that. I'm saddened by the level of vitriol that it has evoked in others, and the intensity of it has been disheartening,
We're in a particularly harsh moment now when it comes to conversations around immigrant populations in our midst, and so that was the reason for the tone I took now,
Budde said during an MSNBC interview You can certainly disagree with me. You can disagree with what I’ve said or did. But could we, as Americans and fellow children of God, speak to one another with respect? I would offer the same to you,
Religious leaders have a twofold obligation, which is to help congregants cultivate a relationship to the sacred, the Divine or spirituality, as well as to help individuals understand their moral obligations to each other,
You could see that Trump was unused to anyone, much less a Christian leader, speaking to him in any way that wasn’t simply delivering praise, ... In the kindest way, she was offering him a moment to reflect and even repent. The fact that his heart was too hardened to hear it is on him — not her.”
I was grateful for her courage to speak gently, but truthfully, to the most powerful man in the world,
It makes me wonder just how much they know about the Christian faith or the church,
Willimon said of Budde’s critics There’s no instance in the life, work, teachings of Jesus where mercy ever takes a backseat to anything else, ... Not only is Jesus merciful, he commands his followers to be merciful.”
Mercy is a Christian virtue,
What they’re really saying is not that Christians shouldn’t engage in politics, it’s just Christians shouldn’t engage in politics that I don’t approve of.”
Even to those who are our enemies and those who wrong us, he ordered mercy,
There is a lot in the Bible about welcoming the stranger and the immigrant and the outcast,
So I thought it was wonderful for [Budde] at this particular time to stand up and say, in effect, ‘By the way, world, Christians see these matters differently,’
So, of course, we have to talk about how transgender people are being targeted, because they are our neighbors — and in my Christian tradition, we have an obligation to love our neighbor as much as we have an obligation to love God,
As the final resting place of Matthew Shepard, this Cathedral is committed to being a House of Prayer for All People, no exceptions,
a description of a Pride shirt in the church's online store read How could it not be politicized? We’re in a hyper-political climate. One of the things I caution about is the culture of contempt in which we live that immediately rushes to the worst possible interpretations of what people are saying and to put them in categories such as the ones you just described,
Given your role, it doesn’t seem surprising that you would speak out for the marginalized as anyone who has read the Bible and knows the path of Jesus, but do you think your message is being misconstrued and politicized
Haines asked her in a softball question