A Hitler Salute is a Hitler Salute is a Hitler Salute,
Frankly, it was only on the Thursday before the Saturday that ANY of the sketches generated laughs. I was worried. I was like damn my SNL appearance is going to be so f***ing unfunny that it will make a crackhead sober. But then it worked out in the end.”
She’s a professional comedy writer who cries when someone doesn’t think her jokes are funny? That’s funny.”
I was so excited, I came in, I asked if you had any questions and you stared at me like you were firing me from Tesla and were like, ‘It’s not funny.’ I waited for you to be like, ‘Ha ha, joke.’ No. Then you started pawing through my script, like flipping each page, being, like, ‘I didn’t laugh once, not one time,
Remember when I got in trouble for calling out Mr. Nazi Salute
I still am not rocking with anyone sympathetic to Nazis and I'll do that until I'm six feet under the ground,
Would he be happy if a member of the Government did a Nazi salute? No.”
I am saying it is up to Elon Musk obviously to respond to that.”
Elon Musk's gesture reminiscent of a Nazi salute was blurred on Russia 24.
Similar gestures were also used in Nazi Germany, which probably led to a heated discussion."
I think Elon is unhappy that Wikipedia is not for sale. I hope his campaign to defund us results in lots of donations from people who care about the truth. If Elon wanted to help, he’d be encouraging kind and thoughtful intellectual people he agrees with to engage.
Look, none of us knows what’s going on in Musk’s mind. I’m not convinced he himself knows half the time.
Above all else, Musk is a troll, an edgelord. He delights in “triggering” his ideological enemies, which includes the media
Did He Actually Do That?”
Defund Wikipedia until [the] balance is restored!”
Two of probably the most foundational, defining things about American history is that we beat the Confederates and we beat the Nazis,
This is the United States of America. And I don’t care what Elon Musk is doing behind a presidential seal. In this country, we hate Nazis,
I know what I saw, I know what the response to it was among elements of the extreme right including neo-Nazis,
I thought to myself, the breaking of taboos is reaching a point that is dangerous for the entire free world. The brutalisation, the dehumanisation, Auschwitz, all of that is Hitler,
We have the freedom of speech in Europe and in Germany. Everyone can say what he wants, even if he is a billionaire. And what we do not accept is if this is supporting extreme-right positions,