Three of those weapons were next to him when police secured him inside the building,
He has a licence for four weapons, all of the four weapons have been seized,
Those were the worst hours of my life. I did not know if I would get shot there and then, or in 10 minutes. You simply waited,
It has been two days of shock and grief,
Dead people, injured people, screams and smoke,
Many legacy media outlets from around the world have covered the Sweden shooting. Additionally, European politicians have mentioned it, including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, whose response is highlighted in the Le Monde article,
We looked at each other and we did not really understand what was happening,
I saw people dragging injured out, first one, then another. I realized it was very serious,
You will leave Europe!"
There is a lot to indicate that."
Today, people have woken up to unimaginable sadness and pain. For those who have lost a loved one, life will never be the same again."
It took a lot of time to search them and make sure there were no more wounded,
Many of them have fled from countries where things like this happen and now they experience it here,
A guy next to me was shot in the shoulder, he was bleeding a lot,
My cousin called her and she started crying,
At the moment we are confident that no more attacks will occur. The schools that were occupied have been evacuated,
Your grief is our grief. We are here with you.”
I don’t want to go back. Not now,
He was bleeding a lot. When I looked behind me I saw three people on the floor bleeding. Everyone was shocked. They said, ‘Go out! Get out!’
We hear a woman saying, ‘No, no, no,’ three times. After that we heard someone shooting,