A few of these apps were not up to the mark when we compare tech,
The ban has built a precedent that has allowed the Indian government to continue blocking access to more web and social media content, including very often content posted by journalists or critics of the Administration,
We are disappointed to see the Court sweep past the undisputed content-based justification for the law—to control what speech Americans see and share with each other—and rule only based on the shaky data privacy concerns,
Unless you pay Meta to promote your posts, they’re not really going to show it to people,
A lot of the people in the rural part of the country were okay with just being themselves, and creating a 15-second clip of some song they liked,
TikTok in India catered to every demography and every type of user, not just tier-1 cities. That's why other applications like Moj were quickly able to take advantage of the ban,
For top influencers, these platform disruptions matter a little less, especially since they are already present on a bunch of platforms,
The only beneficiary (of the ban), if there was any clear beneficiary from this, did seem to be Instagram,
I used to earn between 100,000 and 200,000 Indian rupees ($1,155 to $2,310) per month on TikTok,
The greater loss was to the people of India. ByteDance completely pulled out of India. You didn't have people having the ability of engaging in content or a creator economy to the same extent that others had,
TikTok is the hub of beauty nowadays. It used to be YouTube, then it was Instagram, and now it is TikTok,
We have pretty much stayed viral since the beginning of the TikTok shop launch last year,
Every client has known about this possibility of TikTok going away since April of 2024, so everybody has done some preparation,
We go where our community is and right now that includes TikTok. If they shift to other platforms in the future, we’ll be right there with them,
These TikTok shops are mass 'clearancing' their products in anticipation of the ban, so I'm linking some clearance products that I love for skincare,