We are clear that Hamas must neither govern Gaza nor be a threat to Israel any more,
We commend the serious efforts of all involved stakeholders and appreciate the important signal the Arab states have sent by jointly developing this recovery and reconstruction plan,
The plan shows a realistic path to the reconstruction of Gaza and promises – if implemented – swift and sustainable improvement of the catastrophic living conditions for the Palestinians living in Gaza,
History will judge us by our actions. We must act in unity to provide greater support to our Palestinian brothers and sisters,
Those who seek the displacement of Palestinians and the takeover of Gaza must remember this: the reason we are at this point today is Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands,
We must thwart the calls of Israeli extremists who seek the annexation of the West Bank. Similarly, we cannot allow Israel to alter the historical and political status quo of Al-Haram Al-Sharif. As Türkiye, we support the plan adopted in Cairo,