I’d like to stress that this has been an incident of major severity. It’s not a small fire,
We’re pleased to say we’re now safely able to begin some flights later today. Our first flights will be repatriation flights and relocating aircraft,
Qantas staff at [Heathrow] Terminal 5 were lovely, handing out water and food,
Following an earlier power outage, Heathrow is now safely able to restart flights,
There's absolutely no doubt that there are questions to answer on how this has happened and what can be done to prevent the scale of disruption we've seen from happening again.
This potential lack of resilience at a critical national and international infrastructure site is worrying
Just how competent are Heathrow's bosses?
Firstly, how is it that
We have flight and cabin crew colleagues and planes that are currently at locations where we weren’t planning on them to be,
Tomorrow morning, we expect to be back in full operation, to 100% operation as a normal day,
This (power supply) is a bit of a weak point,
They have stood up their resilience plans very swiftly and have been working in close collaboration with all the emergency responders and the airline operators,
You would think they would have significant back-up power,
There was a backup generator, but that was also affected by the fire, which gives a sense of how unusual, unprecedented it was,
We’ve been clear the U.K. needs national resilience standards for our transport, digital, energy and water infrastructure,
I think things will change,
There are lessons that have got to be learned here,
Basically, we designed things so that something can fail,
There are questions to answer. We expect those questions to be answered but our clarity right now is on this incident being appropriately dealt with.”
We’re now stuck in limbo,