We were counting on our child being born here...We've been waiting for our green cards for six years. This was the only way to ensure stability for our family. We are terrified of the uncertainty,
an Indian woman, who is due to give birth in early March said If you just poll the idea of birthright citizenship, voters nod it through,
We sacrificed so much to come here. Now, it feels like the door is closing on us,
said the H-1B holder, who is still a few months away from parenthood I am trying to tell couples that even if it is possible, a preterm birth poses significant risk to mother and child. Complications include underdeveloped lungs, feeding problems, low birth weight, neurological complications and more. In the past two days, I have spoken to 15 to 20 couples regarding this,
the report quoted Mukkala as saying A woman who is seven months pregnant came with her husband to schedule an early delivery. She’s due in March,
It's a shocking attack on people in this country who are here lawfully, played by the rules and are benefiting the country,
David Leopold, the chair of the immigration practice at the law firm UB Greensfelder, was quoted as saying This speaks to sort of a larger policy orientation in the Trump administration, which is a real tightening of our immigration system, limiting access to visas,
This executive order is aimed at stopping Latino and Asian immigrants from coming into this country and building a life here, which is fundamentally opposed to the values of the United States,
We have asylees from Afghanistan, from China. Our plaintiffs are from Indonesia and they’re asylees,
This order doesn’t just target undocumented people,
We had lynching of Chinese workers,
I think there’s going to be so many other fights to be had,
A lot of people like me are very sad and very anxious,
The number of places where chaos will reign is actually quite high,
according to Rupa Bhattacharyya, legal director with the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection It pains her to think that one of her children will have more benefits than the other, even though they were both born here,
according to the complaint The executive order caused a lot of confusion for families like mine,
Monica told reporters in Spanish on Wednesday She fears her unborn child will not have the same rights to citizenship as the future child’s older sisters, and could even be subject to deportation, separating the family,
President Trump has no authority to amend either the constitution or the federal law by the stroke of his pen on an executive order,
I should be worried about the health of my child, I should be thinking about that,
Citizenship is one of our nation’s most precious privileges. By introducing this legislation, we are taking an important step to restore integrity to our immigration system and prioritise the interests of American citizens,