We need to get people to stop and pause and see what each of his actions is leading to, connecting the dots, ... even if people don’t think Ukraine and tariffs and public health policy affect them directly.”
I was thinking on my way here what I want to say about the situation,
said Bedford, who drove from Republican-leaning Snellville, on the outer edges of metro Atlanta I think protests can be impactful,
said Carol Goodwin, an Austin resident active in the local advocacy scene There are so many things to fight, but I hope by being here we are starting some conversations,
said Sara Grummer-Strawn, who held a sign declaring “So Much Wrong, So Little Space,” followed by a small-print litany of topics from Ukraine and tariffs to potential education cuts to the denial of climate and vaccine science Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go.”
The Texas crowd, which numbered in the hundreds, eventually made its way through downtown, chanting The Republican Party right now is so much more organized, and not divisive,
Most of the kids I dealt with would not have been enrolled without Pell Grants and the (federal) financial aid system,