That broke my heart. I thought, there’s something wrong here,
Filmmakers, keep making films for the big screen. I know I will,
Any kid now has tools that are used to make these now Academy-winning films,
Everything Everywhere All at Once,
If you're trying to make independent films, please keep doing it. We need more. This is proof,
Let's get cracking on those kids!"
Acting is a very fragile profession,
I would have preferred to see less violence against Ani
I didn't say that I didn't want it included, but I did flag that there is a lot of violence
I'm absolutely rooting for it and I hope it wins, I hope it sweeps
I just know that tonight I'm going to go home to my new puppies and probably clean up their mess,
My grandmother came to this country in 1961, I am a proud child of immigrant parents with dreams and dignity and hard-working hands, and I am the first American of Dominican origin to accept an Academy Award,
I've already lost whatever speech I prepared,
I don't care about what I wear or what I don't wear
Karla, if you are gonna tweet about the Oscars my name is Jimmy Kimmel.
We always jump into these projects knowing we will have to compete with films that have budgets almost 100 times what we shot our film for,
I will continue to support and be an ally,
I also just want to, again, recognize and honor the sex worker community,
Forgive me, I’m nervous, so I’m going to read off of a paper. But thank you so much to the Academy. I grew up in Los Angeles, but Hollywood always felt so far away from me. So to be here standing in this room today is really incredible.”
Wow, this is very surreal,