This is just the beginning of the end, a process which I hope will end soon.”
In front of the parliament there is already a large number of people, and we have seen several processions by bikers and tractor drivers,
The only goal of this act is a brutal demonstration of force, a proof of arrogance, motivated by the hatred towards one's own people,
Everything indicates this is the biggest rally in Belgrade's history,
I won't allow the street to set the rules,
We have a state and we will show you the state,
While people were aware of corruption and criminality in the government before, the fact that corruption can lead to us indiscriminately being killed is what has set this off,
The protests have shown that average citizens are not afraid anymore,
Look how many of us are here! Your voice counts! Let’s wake up Serbia together!”
Fear has changed sides in Serbia,
I expect that this will shake his authority and that Vucic will realize that people are no longer for him,
He’s Finished!” ... Pump it Up,
We can already see for a few days that the regime is trying to escalate tensions,
There definitely won't be any violence here because we all came with the same purpose -- to wait for the people who marched, the people who are liberating Serbia,
We will do our best to guarantee the safety of all participants and protect institutions such as Pioneers’ Park and the Serbian Parliament,
As long as I am alive, there will be no transitional government,
The army is doing its job in accordance with the law, and no one needs to worry about it,
Just to be clear, I will not be pressured,
We came for justice. I hope that after this protest, things will change,
The purpose of this movement is not an incursion into institutions, nor to attack those who do not think as we do,