I hope God touches his [Trump's] heart,
said Oralia, a Mexican woman who fled cartel violence in her home state along with her epileptic son I will declare a national emergency at our southern border. All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places in which they came,
Trump said in his inauguration speech to thunderous applause This is déjà vu of the darkest kind,
said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Global Refuge I am afraid for my children, that they will live the terror of not seeing their mother for a day, for a month, for a year,
said Erlinda, 45, who asked to be identified by first name only due to fears of being detained We don’t know what we are going to do,
she said in Tijuana, Mexico, just on the other side of the border from San Diego The Cartels functionally control, through a campaign of assassination, terror, rape, and brute force nearly all illegal traffic across the southern border of the United States,
This is a complaint that I have heard nobody raise,
Today I will sign a series of historic executive orders with these actions we will begin the complete restoration of America and the revolution of Common Sense,
As commander in chief, I have no higher responsibility than to defend our country from threats and invasions, and that is exactly what I am going to do. We will do it at a level that nobody has ever seen before,
Trump said during his inaugural address, to applause Many had waited weeks or months for their opportunity to safely present at a US port of entry, [this] makes no sense,
Robyn Barnard, senior director, refugee advocacy at Washington-based Human Rights First As of now, without CBP One, there is almost no access to asylum at the US-Mexico border,
Since we are here, please let us in,
said Yaime Perez, a 27-year-old Cuban All illegal aliens seeking entry into the United States should turn back now,
We will take a border security first approach. Threats should be prioritized based on risk and addressed in order of priority,
read the directive, according to NewsNation We will no longer refer to aliens as migrants, noncitizens, etc. The legal term is alien and as law enforcement we will use the legal term,
read the guidance, according to the report No alien will be released from custody on an NTA/OR or otherwise without approval from Deputy Chief,
read the policy, NewsNation reported In the coming days, the use of force and pursuit policies will revert back to versions in place during President Trump's previous administrations,
it went on, ... according to the report Please, after all the work we have put in to get here, let us enter your country, so that we can better ourselves in life and be somebody,
I'm fine with legal immigration. I like it. We need people, and I'm absolutely fine with it. We want to have it,
They’re not going to let you into the app, baby,