I think in the long term the only credible security guarantee is Article 5 of the Washington Treaty - so NATO membership essentially,
Three years ago nobody thought that Finland would be joining NATO, or Sweden for that matter,
We are very much on the same page with Trump on that, because I think we should do more, we can do more,
Correcting the deficiencies will require repair assistance from outside the vessel and will take time,
A big part of the problem is, Russia - for many, many years, long before Putin - said, ‘You could never have Nato involved with Ukraine.’ Now, they’ve said that. That’s been, like, written in stone,
They’re actually trying to dismantle the town brick by brick
They’re taking advantage. I’m the one that got, and the (NATO) secretary general was here two weeks ago, saying that if it weren’t for me, NATO wouldn’t even exist right now. Because I raised, from countries that weren’t paying their bills, at that time 28 countries, 20 of them were not paying their bills, 21 to be exact,
There were a lot of mistakes made in that negotiation. When I heard the way that Biden was negotiating, I said you’re going to end up in a war and it turned out to be a very bad war. That war could escalate to be much worse than it is right now,
They said, that’s a threatening statement. Well, they weren’t paying their bills. I said we’re not going to protect you if you’re not paying the bills. So, in a true sense, I saved NATO, but NATO has taken advantage of us. And one of the problems that I have, and I’ve said it openly, I said it to President Zelenskyy,
NATO should have five per cent,
Europe is in for a tiny fraction of the money that we’re in. Now, whether you like that situation or not, Europe is much more affected than the United States. We have a thing called the ocean in between us. Why are we in for billions and billions of dollars more money than Europe? And you know, they’re a similar size, a little smaller, but they’re a similar size economy as the United States when you add them up. And yet Europe is in for a small fraction of the number the United States is in,
They weren’t paying or they were paying a very small portion, and I raised over USD 680 billion, that was the number he gave, by saying, if you don’t pay, we’re not going to protect you. As soon as I said that, the money came pouring in. But Obama could have said it, other people could have said it, Bush could have said it. Nobody said it but me. I took a lot of heat,
I hope to have six months. No, I would think, I hope long before six months,
I know that Putin would like to meet,