We have the basic support and guarantee of achieving this year's growth target of around 5 per cent,
However, we feel that these difficulties and challenges are in the process of development and progress, and they can all be overcome and solved,
We are also facing some problems such as insufficient domestic demand, production and operation difficulties in some industries and some enterprises,
I read it as 'we need to cut prices but we are going to export in this deflationary environment, because China has to export no matter what the tariffs are',
It suggests that policymakers are not counting on a substantial reflationary impulse this year,
There are constraints on fiscal sustainability,
You need those structural reforms around pensions, around social safety nets, around hukou, to actually give households the confidence to spend when they're not just getting a really good discount from subsidies,
We worry that they will add another 10 percent and then another 10 percent,
With deflationary pressures becoming entrenched against the background of an unfavorable external environment... boosting domestic household consumption demand is a key priority,
An increasingly complex and severe external environment may exert a greater impact on China in areas such as trade, science, and technology,
President Xi Jinping has made it very clear that he wants to modernise China’s military by the year 2035 and a lot of that money will go towards military technology, better missiles, better submarines and missile surveillance technology,
Budget deficit ratio from 3 percent to 4 percent doesn’t seem much, but that’s the highest that has been set in three decades. So the government is committing to spending more,
Further expanding the trade surplus is no longer a good strategy, so we need to rely on internal demand for growth,
It’s not a pivot from the previous industrial policy, but pursuing a more balanced" macroeconomic framework
We also expect the authorities to adjust the budget by mid-year if the growth momentum is hit by trade disputes,
For the first time, boosting consumption has been elevated to the top priority among 2025's major tasks, displacing technology from its usual leading position,
That's been super-successful in boosting spending on those types of goods,
But outside of that, spending is still very weak,
A large part of China's economic growth last year was supported by exports, but the looming trade war with the United States has brought unpredictable risks to Chinese exports in 2025,
Since China’s domestic demand remains insufficient, they can only rely on boosting consumption to drive economic growth in 2025,