The fact that they have already been transferred and, allegedly, have been abused at their new facilities can only strengthen their claims of irreparable harm,
We’ll see you in court.”
District court judges have now decided they are in command of the Armed Forces…is there no end to this madness?"
The court knows that this opinion will lead to heated public debate and appeals. In a healthy democracy, both are positive outcomes,
Women were ‘included in the sequel’ when passage of the Nineteenth Amendment granted them the right to vote in 1920, ... That right is one of the many that thousands of transgender persons serve to protect."
Unelected rogue judges are trying to steal years of time from a 4 year term. It’s the most egregious theft one can imagine: robbing the vote and voice of the American People,
The law does not demand that the Court rubber-stamp illogical judgments based on conjecture.
Leaders have used concern for military readiness to deny marginalized persons
Plaintiffs, they acknowledge, have 'made America safer,
Now I can go back to focusing on what’s really important, which is the mission,
We have to be careful with how we use this data,
The fact that transgender people deploy longer after a gender dysphoria diagnosis and depression, would tell us they are actually better suited to stay in service than a cohort of depressed [non transgender] people,
The question [here] is whether the military, under equal protection rights afforded to every American under the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment — if the military… can target a specific group that the administration disfavors
Can we agree this policy covers all transgender people unless there is an exemption?”
What’s the first thing that’s wrong with this analysis?”
Yes, the court must defer. But not blindly,
The cruel irony is that thousands of transgender service members have sacrificed — some risking their lives — to ensure for others the very equal protection rights the military ban seeks to deny them,
This ruling pulls no punches. The court methodically documented the concrete harms this ban inflicts on brave transgender service members who ask nothing more than to serve their country with honor,
So why discharge them and other decorated soldiers? Crickets from defendants on this key question,
Yet these accomplished servicemembers are now subject to an order that says they must be separated from the military based on a characteristic that has no bearing on their proven ability to do the job,