This is a sad day for our community,
About 12:20 p.m. Sunday, March 23, police arrested a 15-year-old boy and charged him with three open counts of murder,
I want to ask the community to gather together, to stand strong and united as we try to heal and face this tragic event that took place in our city,
We know that there was some type of ill will between these groups prior to last night.
This horrendous, senseless act is a stark reminder of the blatant disregard people in New Mexico have for the rule of law and order,
This is a huge crime scene with a lot of moving parts,
We will hold them accountable to the criminal justice system."
We don't have sufficient tools, we are not bringing accountability to these communities,
We need to stand strong. We need to come together,
These tragedies have to end,
They just started shooting and they just started running around everybody, like all over the place."
As with all acts of gun violence in our city and beyond, my heart is broken for the victims and the families impacted. This was a heinous act of violence that will leave our city mourning,
Part of me wanted to write that this is something you never really think this is going to happen in your city, but that actually feels deeply untrue,