[Kim] learned about the building of a nuclear-powered strategic guided missile submarine as part of the country’s important goals … for building the country into an advanced maritime power."
The development of the naval force into an elite and nuclear-armed force constitutes an important content in the strategy for the development of the national defense,
He expressed great satisfaction over the high spirit and labor feats of the workers who are registering signal successes in the implementation of the militant task for radically improving the modernity of our navy in the shortest span of time in line with the primary requirement for the state security and the world trend of naval force development,
Achieving a rapid development of our naval forces...is a priority that cannot be delayed given...the enemies' recent aggressive moves and military acts,
The submarine-launching ceremony heralded the beginning of a new chapter for bolstering up the naval force of the DPRK,
When this thing is field deployed, it's going to be quite vulnerable to allied anti-submarine warfare,
The DPRK would never remain an idle onlooker to the naval and underwater military activities of the enemies seriously threatening the sovereignty and interests of the DPRK by constantly deploying large numbers of strategic assets,
Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited major shipyards to give field guidance to warship building."
It would be absolutely threatening to us and the U.S.,