This is what victory feels like.”
Trump has ... What he didn’t show in his first term, or on his improbable pathway to a second, was an ability to bring these conflicts to resolution, to unite the country on a new level of understanding. This would require Trump revealing a new understanding about himself and how to use the next four years."
He is someone with an ability to perceive opportunities that most politicians do not and forge powerful, sustained connections with large swaths of people in ways that no contemporary can match,
He is a force of history,
They cannot push Trump to the margins, by treating him as a momentary anomaly or simply denouncing him as lawless and illegitimate,
Like influential predecessors, his arguments have shifted the terms of debate in ways that echo within both parties — in this case, on issues such as trade, China, and the role of big corporations, ... Like other large presidents, Trump has been a communications innovator and exploited technological shifts more effectively than rivals."
The past is never dead,
That's what I want to be — a peacemaker and a unifier,
National unity is now returning to America and confidence and pride is soaring like never before.”
This machine kills fascists.”
We will pursue our Manifest Destiny into the stars,
We will not forget our country,
America will reclaim its rightful place as the greatest, most powerful, most respected nation on Earth, inspiring the awe and admiration of the entire world,
All that red in the middle, where Trump won, what the map doesn’t show you is that I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product. So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward.”
The administrative burdens themselves are, in some sense, a deliberate test of deservingness,
I don’t think hard-working Americans should be paying for all the social services for people who could make a broader contribution and instead are couch potatoes,
He applauded just once during the speech, when his old enemy mentioned the release of Hamas hostages, and spent much of it looking at the ground,
The only bipartisan thing about Trump on Monday was his purple checked tie and opening promise of ‘the golden age of America’,
Unlike when Trump first began his ascent to the pinnacles of US political power in 2015, however, Trump represents the current emerging establishment as much as any one man. And sitting behind him on the dais were a collection of some of the wealthiest, and most influential, corporate leaders in the world”.
The challenges lie ahead, both to the substance of the first round of orders and more importantly to issues that executive orders cannot solve,