For the honor of democratic responsibility, for the honor of Ukraine and, I dare say, for the honor of Europe, President Zelenskyy did not fold and I think we can show him our appreciation,
On Friday night, in the Oval Office of the White House, a staggering scene unfurled before the lenses of the entire world, marked by brutality, a desire to humiliate, with the goal of making Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy fold through threats, so that he gives in to the demands of his aggressors,
All this was summed up in one phrase before the planet’s cameras: ‘Either you find a deal with Putin or we will abandon you,
President Zelensky is a hero, who has stood up to Putin's aggression, and led his country's defence against their barbaric and illegal invasion over the last 3 years - and it is troubling to not hear the leader of Reform say that
Zelensky showed courage and integrity in that room - in stark contrast to Farage's cowardly approach of licking Trump's boots.
Trump played both sides like a master chess player. In the end, Zelenskyy will have no choice but to concede, because without U.S. support, Ukraine cannot win a prolonged war against Russia. And once US companies have mining operations in Ukraine, Putin will be unable to attack without triggering massive international consequences.”
I think the Russians believe that Moscow is building a new relationship with Washington with the Trump administration, and that Donald Trump would prefer to get on with building this relationship with Russia rather than standing by Ukraine".
There is this atmosphere of celebration here that having lost the Cold War, more than 30 years on, Russia feels it's turning the tables on the West with this new relationship with America."
The Western system is collapsing like a house of cards
Russia cannot conceal its malicious pleasure."
When you read the russian newspapers here they are celebratory".
The Russians have been very dismissive of the London summit
Why should America keep footing the bill for Europe’s defense when they won’t stand up to Russia themselves?
The game’s always the same—feed the anger, distract with chaos, while the real players keep their hands clean. truth’s buried in the noise, and we're left fighting shadows.
Don't tell us what we're going to feel. You're in no position to dictate that."
You can stop the tram at any moment but you refuse because you need guarantees that it won't start moving again in a few years."
I don’t agree with everything Trump does or says, of course, I don’t, but without America, we are defenceless.”
I think president Zelensky was very unwise to tell the Americans what would happen to them if they didn't back him. I think it was unwise. Yeah, sure, Vance and Trump bit back. But I think in diplomatic terms, I think Zelensky played it very badly.”
I wouldn't expect a guest to be rude to me in my own house. Absolutely not. I would expect a guest with respect.”
I try not to ... This is irrelevant.”