The total ban on intelligence sharing is effective, both directly from the US to [Ukraine], but it is also a ban on NATO allies transferring data received from the US to us,
The American agencies' contribution to satellite observation, to everything that can be done (...), has been suspended since yesterday afternoon,
Europe does not have enough strategic enablers capacity to fill in the vacuum,
I think if we can nail down these negotiations and move toward these negotiations and, in fact, put some confidence-building measures on the table, then the president will take a hard look at lifting this pause,
Ukraine had one single advantage on Russia: information superiority. With that gone, Kyiv would be in trouble,
Based on the fact that Russia is absolutely 'pounding' Ukraine on the battlefield right now, I am strongly considering large scale Banking Sanctions, Sanctions, and Tariffs on Russia until a Cease Fire and FINAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ON PEACE IS REACHED. To Russia and Ukraine, get to the table right now, before it is too late. Thank you!!!
The selective sharing of intelligence creates a strategic imbalance, forcing Ukraine into a primarily defensive posture."
Even if Ukraine would still receive intelligence for incoming threats, the lack of offensive intel limits their ability to preemptively neutralize potential threats. This puts Ukraine in a more reactive posture, potentially increasing their vulnerability to Russian attacks,
I think what's going to happen is Ukraine wants to make a deal, because I don't think they have a choice,
I’ve never seen anything like this in my nearly 35 years of experience... whereby US intelligence was stopped for a political purpose and to try to coerce a partner like Ukraine to accede to the wishes of an administration. I think it could be calamitous on the battlefield if this remains in place over time."
The Europeans do not have the capability to provide the type of intelligence that the US intelligence community has been providing - all different types of intelligence that again feeds and fuels the Ukrainian government, military, security, intelligence services. You take away that, you really do enfeeble the Ukrainian services,