In those circumstances I think the Irish Defence Forces would be capable of making a contribution,
There’s a lot of volatility in geopolitics in Europe right now”, and the comments by Trump and others in his administration have “caused a storm and created lots of different conversations about what a post-conflict settlement might look like in Ukraine”,
I don’t think Ireland’s non-membership of Nato is going to provide any added incentive for [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to have Irish troops as opposed to anybody else’s,
But it would be pushing them to the pin of their collar,
he added, citing current numbers and equipment levels We wouldn’t be allowing the Security Council to have veto on any proposals about Irish peacekeepers,
Unfortunately the Defence Forces are in crisis at the moment through no fault of their own. It’s lack of investment,
I don‘t see really any circumstances in which we’re going to see or require European troops, boots on the ground in Ukraine,
During the meeting, we also addressed the maintenance and repair of German-made military equipment currently in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine,