Putin is ready. We are waiting for signals (from Washington). Everyone is ready. It is difficult to read the coffee grounds here. As soon as there is something, if there is something, we will inform you."
Seems to me that Putin is signaling to Trump that he is willing to make 'a deal' Peskov saying Kremlin opening to restart missile control deals remember very first thing Biden did in 2021 in first week was renew Start III missile deal - first Cold War era arms deal to be renewed. it was seen as a breakthru at the time. now Putin is offering to start Trumps presidency in the same war...."
Amid increased conflict behavior and intensified geopolitical rivalry, global risks of a military confrontation between large players, including nuclear powers, are heightening,
Russia considers it necessary to resume disarmament negotiations as soon as possible, especially since the legal framework in the area of arms control has been significantly undermined, and not through the fault of the Russian Federation,
These actions are directly aimed at weakening our countries as they pursue the goal of depriving us of our sovereignty and right to choose our own path of development and realize strategic interests,
Attempts are being made to undermine global efforts toward preventing an arms race in space and turn outer space into a new sphere of military confrontation,
The WTO, the WHO, the OPCW, and other international organizations are being actively devalued,
We can do it the easy way, or the hard way - and the easy way is always better,
I want Vladimir Putin to beg us, to beg Ukraine, to beg allies of Ukraine to sit at the table and to talk."