You continue to inspire me and tens of millions of my fellow citizens back home in Canada."
For all the people making excuses for Zelensky not allowing elections due to the war just keep in mind Russia had an election last March. Putin is supposed to be the dictator but he had an election. Zelensky is supposed to be the face of democracy in Ukraine but he won't."
Ukraine's constitution prevents elections during war. Yet Putin has not held a free and fair election once in 25 years. He's had his opponents murdered or imprisoned throughout his reign of terror. If we're going to call for elections, let's demand Russia hold a free election."
Therefore, [Zelensky] is a factor in the disintegration of the army, society, and the state. President Trump certainly understands this and is pushing him toward elections."
The fact is that the current head of the Kyiv regime is becoming a toxic figure for the Ukrainian armed forces because he gives absurd orders dictated not by military considerations, but by political ones, and it is unclear what they are based on."
We are in Kyiv today, because Ukraine is Europe. In this fight for survival, it is not only the destiny of Ukraine that is at stake. It's Europe's destiny."
I am focusing on security today and not in 20 years' time. I don't plan to be in power for 10 years,
I don't want to give up Ukrainian lands... we've been fighting for so long,
In this war, you don't count days, weeks, numbers, or any dates,
In Ukraine, about Ukraine, with Ukraine."
It scares me more. Because the bloodiest moments always come before a truce,
We are ready and willing to provide security guarantees, which could perhaps include troops, but they would be there to maintain peace,
Well, we're going to see."
Yeah, he will accept that. He has no problem with it,
It looks like we’re getting very close,
The only conclusion you can draw is that 80 years of policy in standing up against aggressors has just been blown up without any sort of discussion or reflection,
You can’t be weak in the face of President Putin. It’s not you, it’s not your trademark, it’s not in your interest,
We have necessity to have guarantees for solid peace,
Europe is going to make sure that nothing happens. I don’t think that is going to be much of a problem, once we settle, there’s going to be no more war in Ukraine,
He will accept that. I have asked him that question,