What I was a bit concerned of when I listened to Trump – he didnʼt mention Ukraine. That's troubling."
Since Mr. Trump repeatedly said he would end the Russia-Ukraine war, we as Turkey will do whatever necessary in this regard. We need to resolve this issue as soon as possible. This issue will be on our agenda with our talks with Mr. Trump, and we would take our steps accordingly. I wish Mr. Trump's second term would bring good for all humanity."
What will we do in Europe tomorrow if our American ally withdraws its warships from the Mediterranean? If they send their fighter jets from the Atlantic to the Pacific?"
Trump recognizes NATO expansionism triggered the war in Ukraine and blames Biden for the foolish decision - This is great news for peace. Trump moves away from the "unprovoked invasion" narrative that was used to prevent a peaceful settlement and legitimize a long war."
We have a government that has given unlimited funding to the defense of foreign borders but refuses to defend American borders, or, more importantly, its own people."
Many institutions, read IMF, or media and politicians, talked quite positively about narratives of Putin [about the state of the Russian economy]. But we know that the economy in Russia is quite bad. We know that sanctions work, and thatʼs why we really need to continue with sanctions."
We will measure our success not only by the battles we win, but also by the wars we end and most importantly, the wars we never get into,
Ukraine is the most ideal country to rebuild, considering its large territory, ample agricultural and mineral resources, population of 35 million and possibility of massive financial support from the United States and Western Europe,
While maintaining our close partnership with Ukraine and continuously looking for ways to support the country, we will do our best to become a good partner to restore its agriculture,
Starting from 2025, we will expand our presence in Ukraine,
One thing is certain — everything will be completely different under [Trump],
The funniest thing is that we also have those who hope to get a taste of these blessings — thinking that maybe Good Donald, with a stroke of his pen, will put an end to the special military operation, allowing them to return to their old ways, free of personal and corporate sanctions, partying with escorts in Monaco and philosophizing about the greater good,
In a few hours, all Ukrainian media outlets and politicians will start throwing dirt at old Grandpa Joe [Biden], hoping that blessings will pour down on them
Number 1, their military hasn’t even got to Kyiv. In three years, they couldn’t get there,
The Ukraine war is the central screw-up of Europe over the last couple of years,
Putin’s a bad guy. He’s a very bad guy. The KGB are bad guys. But I don’t stay up at night worrying about Russian influence on Europe."
I will end the war in Ukraine, I will stop the chaos in the Middle East and I will prevent World War 3 from happening - and you have no idea how close we are,
This victory is the beginning. What matters going forward is to actually make significant changes, cement those changes, and set the foundation for America to be strong for centuries, forever... And make America great again,
Starting tomorrow, I will act with historic speed and strength and fix every single crisis facing our country. We have to do it,
We had the best, safest border in the history of our country,