It's one of those things where you put in any change so quickly it catches people unprepared,
It's just showing we're moving fast, and the implications are not fully understood when some of these regulations are put in place,
We are talking about millions of packages every week that currently just basically get treated like domestic shipping,
I’ll be announcing that next week reciprocal trade, so that we’re treated evenly with other countries. We don’t want any more, any less,
As important as Trump is, the forces driving this fracturing of the relationship between the US and China are just bigger than one person,
The grievances with China are far more genuine than grievances with Mexico, or with Canada,
We don’t seek [a] trade surplus. We want to import more competitive, quality products and services to promote balanced trade.”
China’s economic development in recent years, instead of moving it towards a consumer-oriented economy, has moved in the direction of a more advanced manufacturing economy,
Tariffs are a means to an end, and I think that end is bringing the manufacturing base back to the US.”
This may now have gone too far. Access to cheaper goods is no longer a good ‘trade’ for the US, given the loss of economic security over production supply chains and technologies to a competing power.”
Removing Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China is a very radical and extreme step that would remove any guardrails against a trade war,
The Republicans won't pass the bill [to repeal the PNTR] until Trump tells them to pass it,
Every year it gets closer to being repealed because it doesn't make sense, ... as China does not play by global trade rules
Trump will be looking to see what kind of deal he can get with the Chinese and everything will be on the table,
There's a sort of sword of Damocles hanging over [PVH's] head, and that is exactly what this is, because this isn't really about PVH at all. This is about PVH being caught in the spat between China and the U.S.,
There's this tit-for-tat trade war going on, and [China] wants to show the United States that it's going to take action to hurt either big U.S. companies or companies with significant interests in the U.S.,
While you can shift manufacturing capacity reasonably easily, it's not so easy to guarantee the quality, guarantee the production processes. Those things take time to upskill,
This has the potential to be very, very disruptive for PVH,
In our 20 years of operating in China and proudly serving our consumers, as a matter of policy, PVH maintains strict compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and operates in line with established industry standards and practices. We will continue our engagement with relevant authorities and look forward to a positive resolution,
We'll see what happens. You know, we care about the people, ... We need to care about the people. We need to care about extinguishing the terrorists that are there. And we'll see what the president has in store."