Keeping to 1.5 degrees is quite simply a matter of survival,
As the world's largest economy and top historical emitter, the US has a major responsibility in tackling global climate change. By exiting the Paris Agreement again, it shirks these duties. This is unfair to developing countries that have contributed little to emissions but are heavily impacted by climate change."
It is the policy of my administration to put the interests of the United States and the American people first."
A band of governors, mayors and other leaders are committed to stand their ground and enact low-carbon policies that cut costs, create jobs, and build cleaner communities.”
While the US administration retreats, states, cities, and businesses across the US will continue driving climate action forward,
It dealt a major blow to global climate governance and ambition,
Moreover these agreements steer American taxpayer dollars to countries that do not require, or merit, financial assistance in the interests of the American people,
The WHO continues to demand unfairly onerous payments from the United States, far out of proportion with other countries’ assessed payments. China with a population of 1.4 billion, has 300 per cent of the population of the United States, yet contributes nearly 90 per cent less to the WHO,
Trump's plan aims to lower current oil prices and support traditional industries. However, the global trend is toward a green and low-carbon future. Unlike eight years ago, people now can see the opportunities in green transitions, which have already spurred economic growth in many regions,
One of the main reasons that countries are not legally required to actually meet the emissions reduction pledges they put forward under the Paris Agreement is because the Obama administration indicated that with the increased political polarization around climate change over the two decades following the Rio Earth Summit, obtaining 67 votes in support of the agreement in the U.S. Senate would have been challenging,
Formally, there is no agreement on how much the U.S. should provide. However, our work on Fair Shares – based on U.S. historical emissions and ability to pay - finds that the U.S. contribution should be $44.6 billion per year,
The countries themselves” decide what it's in those goals with no punishment for countries missing goals
First, the internal fight between different groups advocating for clean energy and those supporting traditional energy may intensify. Second, it could push the US into a backward position in industries such as new energy vehicles, especially at a time when clean energy is the trend in global development,
What Trump has done is a complete denial of the emergency of climate change. It’s not just an executive order to withdraw from Paris Agreement, it’s a reversal of all decisions that were taken to tackle climate change,
Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement is more than a moral failure — it is a direct threat to global solidarity, multilateral cooperation, and the fight for climate justice,
Climate risks are now macroeconomic risks — and climate policy is now industrial policy. Meaningful collaboration opportunities still exist on adaptation, resilience and insurance against climate shocks on one hand, and development and diversification of clean tech development, manufacturing and supply chains, on the other,
It will be key to observe how Europe and rest of rich world behaves,
President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement once again was not entirely unexpected. It, however, creates two kinds of uncertainty: Will state-level and corporate action in the US double down on investments and innovation in clean tech? And how will other large historical emitters step up to fill the emissions reduction gap? All large historical emitters have a moral and economic obligation to lead, not retreat, on climate action,
This reckless move sends a dangerous signal to developing nations like India, which are demonstrating remarkable leadership with ambitious climate plans despite facing immense challenges. India’s progress relies on fair and robust financial support — support that Trump’s actions have callously undermined,
America will be a manufacturing nation once again, and we have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have, the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth, and we are going to use it,