This is not at this time a criminal case, which would be different.
I just got that information about 10 minutes ago. So, that's some new information, and we need to look at. I'm real concerned about this individual that was last seen with her at 5:00 in the morning and I think they've interviewed him. I think they need to target him and try to see if he's going to tell the truth,
Everybody thinks that she's in the water. I got a different feeling. She didn't drown. If she was put in the water, somebody put her there, and I just learned some new information that her clothes were found,
I think there's something more to this, ... His story has changed several times, which concerns me. I think that's why law enforcement is targeting him again and asking witnesses and people who are with them. So, there's a whole lot of information that has not been found yet."
Our commitment to the well-being and comfort of our guests is our priority, so we deeply regret the power failure that affected the Riu Republica Hotel last week,
Despite this, we are aware of the inconvenience that this event generated for the affected guests. For this reason, RIU has established a compensation policy that will apply to all those customers who process their claim through official channels, either directly with RIU Hotels or with the travel provider with whom they made their reservation,
We were there sitting at the bar, and two guys came over to us. We were just talking,
I understand it’s spring break, but this is terrible,
[T ... T]he electrical issue started on Wednesday [March] 5 at 1 AM. But the same was solved on Thursday [March] 6 at 3 AM, so when the guests went to the beach past 4 AM, the electricity had already recovered hours ago. So one thing has nothing to do with the other,
We could see the beach, and it was pitch black,
People were staying out later by the pools or on the beach because they had no AC in their rooms,
We caution anyone from drawing any unsubstantiated conclusions and are committed to ensuring that a thorough investigation is conducted before any conclusions are reached,
I have created the full-circle safety plan for travelers and citizens of all ages to remind them to spend as much time planning the end of their outing as they do planning where to go, what to wear and who they are going with,
The family is so fortunate to have an American embassy there to work with,
It is reiterated that the investigation process establishes that the disappearance occurred after 04:15, in the early hours of 6/3/25, at which time the missing woman and the young foreigners who accompanied her were captured by video surveillance cameras a few meters from entering the beach area,
If she had gone into the water [and drowned], she would’ve washed up somewhere with a tide the way that comes into the island.”
I totally believe that somebody knows something, where she is, or somebody took her away, or somebody’s holding her somewhere,
This includes hotel employees where Konanki and her companions were staying, with the goal of gathering information to corroborate her movements, interactions, and any relevant details for the investigation,
If she travels to another country or whatever, we'll be alerted on that. We are going on the presumption that she's still alive,
She was a brilliant student. She went to one of the great schools,