Radical Leftists can either choose to swim against the tide and reject the overwhelming will of the people, or they can get on board and work with President Trump,
If this unprecedented executive action is allowed to stand, both Plaintiffs and their residents will suffer immediate and irreparable harm,
The US has managed to completely avoid that, because our political identity has for centuries now been borne on the premise that, if you're born in the US, you are an American,
I don't think it's inconceivable (that it will be upheld), which is what I would have said in 2019,
It has helped assimilation by giving people who are born here an immediate sense of belonging,
All you needed before was a birth certificate proving you were born here... now, you'd have to show extensive documentation of your ancestry and your parents' citizenship,
Stripping children of the 'priceless treasure' of citizenship is a grave injury,
The president cannot, with a stroke of a pen, write the 14th Amendment out of existence, period,
President Trump does not have the authority to take away constitutional rights,
The 14th Amendment says what it means, and it means what it says — if you are born on American soil, you are an American. Period. Full stop,
This second sentence of the Amendment means that states have to respect the Bill of Rights as well as basic civil rights and the rights that come along with citizenship,
(The ... The Supreme Court’s decision) said that the right of citizenship is not a matter of inheritance, that it never descends from generation to generation, it is related to where you’re born,
The 14th Amendment was designed to overturn this decision and define citizenship once and for all, and it was based on birthright,
At the time following the Civil War, at its core, it meant all persons had the right to be protected by the police, that the laws of the country should protect all people,
The 14th Amendment distinguishes between the privileges of citizenship and the privileges of all people,
For Asian immigrants, the racial argument at the time was that ‘It didn’t matter whether one were born in the US or not, Asians as a race, are unassimilable. They are diametrically opposite from us Americans,
While the Supreme Court has not explicitly ruled (on the issue of children of undocumented immigrants), Congress has passed all kinds of laws presuming their citizenship,
Citizenship was a central question left open by the original Constitution,
With those two exceptions, everyone who was physically present in the United States was thought to be under its jurisdiction,
Thomas Jefferson said men were created equal, but the original Constitution betrayed that promise by allowing for slavery,